Gill's blog

On 1st February 2006 I left London for Ethiopia. I have given up my job in Camden to volunteer for a couple of years with Voluntary Service Overseas (VSO). If you want to find out more about VSO visit their website

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Caroline asked about Government policy – well! Where to start? I tell you, I am glad I am in a private college – now that’s something I didn’t think I would ever say! The government institutions are so hampered by politics and bureaucracy it is a wonder anything gets done. There are some VSO’s in a government college in our region who have had to wait over a year to get a table and chairs for their office. At my college things arrive before you even realize you need them. Government schools are so poor, with class sizes up to 100 and no resources so anyone who can sends their children to private schools which are often supported by foreign NGO’s. A lot of the appointments at senior levels in government colleges are political and staff can change almost overnight. Not great for stability or strategic planning.

Interestingly (apart from the lack of chilled wine) I feel I am having it easy here! I guess the tough times will come but the people make it all worthwhile. It is very humbling. I am three weeks into the course and have seen three lessons today – all very good. Although lesson planning is not part of the culture here I was given a lesson plan for each and observed teachers trying out various active learning methods. Teachers sharing lesson objectives with students for the first time, using pyramiding (starting from pair working, then to fours, then to eights), ice-breaking activities and spider diagrams – so refreshing and frankly much better than I was expecting. I even saw one teacher try using some peer assessment! We have so much to learn from them in terms of attitude you know – the majority of candidates on the course did not choose to be teachers, they were assigned and yet by and large they have devoted themselves to it. They really see the value of education – all have had to really struggle to get where they are, I mean really struggle


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