Gill's blog

On 1st February 2006 I left London for Ethiopia. I have given up my job in Camden to volunteer for a couple of years with Voluntary Service Overseas (VSO). If you want to find out more about VSO visit their website

Sunday, March 26, 2006

Policing the bike race….

Settling in to a Sunday routine here – for the last three weeks it has been my only day off work as we have had series of lectures on assessment at college on Saturday s. More of that later… Up at 5.30 a.m. again – I hate it until I am out of the door and can see the stars! The moon was lovely this morning too, a crescent but you could see the whole disc. Seemed slightly lighter this morning – no need for torches – and I managed a bit more of the hill. I have to confess that this is the first run for a week, not good going but I blame Michael. The sky as the sun rose was gorgeous.

Did the washing on the terrace before breakfast (discovered affordable oats so had porridge as an alternative to bread and bananas) then roped Fasil, our landlord, in to help us out shopping for parts for Mike’s bike. It needs a new saddle, pedals, mudguards and a rack…. Anyway, being Sunday and a holiday (halfway through the 55 days fasting period) most places were shut so they will have to go again tomorrow. Then off to buy veg and stop in at Pinna hotel for a mango juice – still such a treat and healthy too. The main street was closed off to traffic with police stationed at intervals to keep people off the road. Wondered if it was a political protest but then all became clear as some incredibly fit lycra clad women hurtled past us on bikes. There were a couple of police motorcycles clearing the route in front and the guys stationed along the road had assault rifles slung across their backs! They also had sticks and whips and weren’t afraid to use them… we kept well clear! A bit later the men’s race went off – seemed to be several circuits up to the church and back down to the lake – a bit like final day of the Tour on the Champs but with more vigorous policing. Although with the way things are going in France these days who knows….

Waiting for the usual afternoon storm but I think it may have bypassed us today – thankfully it has clouded over though so is much cooler. I was at risk of getting sunburnt when I was ironing!

On Friday night we were invited out to watch a film. Marion has a projector at her workplace and a collection of DVDs so a load of us piled round to watch “Bonnie and Clyde”!

Busy week ahead – as part of the Higher Diploma candidates have to have four formal lesson observations and I am starting the first round this week. Mostly people are teaching in English but there are a couple who only teach in Amharic or in another local language. This is a good opportunity for me to do some joint observations with candidates who may become tutors on the course. Over the next couple of weeks I need to identify 3 or 4 likely candidates to become tutors – they will then work with me planning and delivering the course and hopefully one or more of them will go on to lead a new group when we finish.

Had two phonecalls from home this week, makes me feel less distant. Mum’s birthday tomorrow – but I guess she will be too busy out on some long hike in the dales to celebrate! Hope it is a good one anyway mum!


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